2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Forestry 2-Way Radio System (language only)

Item 507 #1c

Item 507 #1c

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations

Page 379, line 50, strike "the expenditure of".
Page 379, line 52, after "fund", insert "is provided".
Page 380, line 2, strike "is contingent upon the passage into law of the".
Page 380, strike line 3 through line 5 and insert "."

(This amendment removes language stating that funding for the Department of Forestry's radio system replacement is contingent upon passage of the Governor's tax proposal. FCC rules on the use of radio frequencies have changed, and as a result DOF will lose use of radios in one-third of the state by 2005 if the system is not replaced. This funding, to be provided through the master equipment lease program, is provided to ensure that required system changes are funded.)