2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Sheriffs' and Regional Jail Officer Compensation Plan

Item 505 #3c

Item 505 #3c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2005 $7,889,355 FY2006 $13,602,337 GF

Page 370, line 50, strike "$12,058,693" and insert "$19,948,048".
Page 370, line 50, strike "$116,397,852" and insert "$130,000,189".
Page 372, after line 45, insert:
"F. In lieu of the salary increases authorized in paragraphs F to L of this Item, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and regional jail officers shall receive an increase in base salary and related employee benefits equal to 4.82 percent on December 1, 2004."
Page 372, line 46, strike "F" and insert "G".
Page 374, line 26, strike "G" and insert "H".
Page 374, line 34, strike "H" and insert "I".
Page 374, line 42, strike "I" and insert "J".
Page 374, line 53, strike "J" and insert "K".
Page 375, line 18, strike "K" and insert "L".
Page 375, line 23, strike "L" and insert "M".
Page 375, line 29, strike "M" and insert "N".
Page 376, line 6, strike "N" and insert "O".
Page 376, line 13, strike "O" and insert "P".

(This amendment provides $7.9 million the first year and $13.6 million the second year from the general fund to provide a salary increase for sheriffs and deputy sheriffs consistent with that provided for State Police officers. It is the intent of the General Assembly that such changes as are necessary to implement the purpose of this amendment shall be made to the salaries listed elsewhere in this Act during enrolling of the bill.)