2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Capitol Police Salary Compression

Item 505 #12c

Item 505 #12c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2005 $215,520 FY2006 $397,883 GF

Page 370, line 50, strike "$12,058,693" and insert "$12,274,213".
Page 370, line 50, strike "$116,397,852" and insert "$116,795,735".
Page 376, after line 39, insert:
"P.  Included in the amounts for Compensation Supplements is $215,520 the first year and $397,883 the second year to address salary compression issues for sworn officers and communications operators of the Division of Capitol Police, effective November 25, 2004.  The Chief of the Capitol Police shall report to the Committee on Joint Rules prior to November 25, 2004, regarding the Division's plan to address salary compression and entry level salary issues for sworn officers and communications operators."

(This amendment provides $215,520 the first year and $397,883 the second year from the general fund for the Division of Capitol Police to address salary compression issues among sworn officers and to increase the starting salary for entry level officers to be more commensurate with campus police at state institutions of higher education. It is the intent of the General Assembly that such changes as are necessary to implement the purpose of this amendment shall be made to the salaries listed elsewhere in this Act during the enrolling of this Act.)