2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Clarify Additional Federal Funding to Transit Agencies (language only)

Item 482 #1c

Item 482 #1c

Rail and Public Transportation, Department of

Page 353, line 35, after "A.", insert "1."
Page 353, after line 38, insert:
"2.  Not included in this appropriation is an amount estimated at $10,122,400 the first year and $10,403,000 the second year allocated directly to transit agencies from federal sources for the Surface Transportation Program (STP) and the Minimum Guarantee program."

(This amendment clarifies the actual federal revenue estimate for the six percent Surface Transportation Program (STP) and the 10 percent Minimum Guarantee program that flows directly to transit agencies from federal sources. The department does not receive the funding, and thus this funding is not appropriated.)