2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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DMV Report on Costs of Services (language only)

Item 477 #1c

Item 477 #1c

Motor Vehicles, Department of

Page 352, after line 48, insert:
"D. The Department of Motor Vehicles is directed to implement, wherever possible, the recommendations of the Auditor of Public Accounts included in the study conducted pursuant to Item 2, Chapter 1042 of the Acts of Assembly of 2003.  The Department of Motor Vehicles, in conjunction with the Auditor of Public Accounts, shall report to the Governor, the Secretary of Transportation, the Chairmen of the House Committees on Transportation and Appropriations and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and Transportation Committees on the progress of the Department of Motor Vehicles' efforts to implement the cost methodology and productivity measures recommended by the Auditor of Public in his November 13, 2003, report by December 1, 2004.  Such report shall include the department's evaluation of the variable costs of providing customer services via the various service delivery methods, as well as additional recommendations from the Auditor on the changes to the Department of Motor Vehicles' budget processes that will ensure that it reflects sound financial policy.
E.  The Department of Motor Vehicles shall work with the Secretary of Transportation to develop performance goals and strategies that shall be submitted in the form of budget amendments for review and approval by the 2005 Session of the General Assembly.  The goals and strategies shall be based on constrained assumptions of revenues and appropriations and shall address the major activities of the agency, including  (1) driver licensing; (2) driver monitoring; (3) driver reinstatement; (4) vehicle titling and registration; (5) vehicle insurance monitoring; (6) dealer licensing and regulation; and (7) customer records and information."

(This amendment directs the Department of Motor Vehicles, where possible, to implement the recommendations of the Auditor of Public Accounts included in the report released November 2003 relating to cost accounting and the determination of the costs of services provided by DMV under different service delivery methods. Also required is a joint report to be developed by DMV and the Auditor of Public Accounts to the General Assembly by December 1, 2004, on the implementation of financial accountability of measures and additional recommended improvements. Finally, language requires DMV to develop performance measures to be submitted as budget amendments to the 2005 Session of the General Assembly.)