2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Clarification CIO and Secretarial Duties (language only)

Item 463 #4c

Item 463 #4c

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Page 342, after line 56, insert:
"D. The Board shall not delegate any duties or responsibilities to the Chairman other than to preside over meetings or act as the Board's spokesperson in public meetings.  The Chairman shall have no powers or duties greater than those given to any other Board member.  The Board shall use the Chief Information Officer to arrange Board and committee meetings and agendas and solicit the Chief Information Officer's advice on Information Technology Investment Board meeting topics and the frequency of meetings."

(This amendment clarifies that authority given to the Secretary of Technology during the period prior to the hiring of a Chief Information Officer now reverts to the Chief Information Officer as intended by the legislation approved by the 2003 General Assembly when it approved the creation of VITA.)