2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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VITA Authority to Postpone the Implementation Schedule (language only)

Item 463 #3c

Item 463 #3c

Virginia Information Technologies Agency

Page 342, after line 56, insert:
"D. The Information Technology Investment Board, in addition to the responsibilities as set forth in the 9th Enactment clause of Chapter 981 of the Acts of Assembly of 2003, shall have the authority to postpone the implementation schedule of any state agency by a vote of the majority of members.  The members may consider the following reasons for postponement: security and sensitivity of information, adverse economic affects on participants’ benefits, unusual effects on the agency’s budget, or other matters that could adversely effect the Commonwealth's operations in the opinion of the Chief Information Officer."

(This amendment allows the Information Technology Investment Board to postpone the implementation schedule of any state agency by a vote of the majority of members.)