2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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DOC PreRelease Program Report Requirement (language only)

Item 420 #2c

Item 420 #2c

Public Safety
Institutions, Division of

Page 321, line 31, after "D." insert "1."
Page 321, after line 36, insert:
"2.  The Department of Corrections, in conjunction with the Secretary of Public Safety, shall provide a status report on the department's jail pre-release program that includes details on the participating sites, number of inmates participating in the program, services provided to participants at each site, the status of individuals who have completed the program, any factors impacting program utilization, and the impact of the program on the department's ability to address the backlog of state responsible inmates in local and regional jails.  This report shall be provided to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees no later than October 1, 2004."

(This amendment requires the Department of Corrections to prepare a report on the jail pre-release program.)