2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Local Jail Expansion Planning Authorization and Standards (language only)

Item 416 #1c

Item 416 #1c

Public Safety
Community Corrections, Division of

Page 319, after line 6, insert:
"3.  Adjustments to previously approved project funding levels, which had been based on planning study estimates, to conform to the actual project costs as determined by competitive bid."
Page 319, line 7, strike "3" and insert "4".
Page 319, line 9, strike "up to 120 beds" and insert:
"the development of a new community corrections facility with approximately 204 beds, and a 120-bed expansion of the existing jail".
Page 319, after line 19, insert:
"C.  The following projects are hereby exempted from the provisions of Paragraph B. in order to proceed in planning.  Pursuant to the provisions of § 53.1-82.3, Code of Virginia, the governing bodies of these proposed facilities shall submit the required community-based corrections plans, facility specifications, and the expected financing costs to the Department of Corrections by March 1, 2005.  Furthermore, the Governor may include a recommendation for funding such projects for consideration by the General Assembly at its 2006 Session.  The review by the Board of Corrections of each of these projects shall be consistent with Paragraphs D. and E. below and with Item 420 D.
1.  Appomatox, Amherst and Nelson Counties, in order to proceed with planning for a regional jail.
2.  The Hampton Roads Regional Jail Authority, for a planning study.  No funds shall be obligated for reimbursement of the proposed planning study or for reimbursement of the state share of construction costs without approval of the General Assembly.
3.  The Gloucester County Jail.
4.  The Roanoke County-Salem Jail.
5.  The Pittsylvania County Jail.
6.  The Riverside Regional Jail Authority.
7.  The Rappahannock Regional Jail Authority.
D.  The Board of Corrections shall not approve or commit additional funds for the state share of the cost of construction, enlargement, or renovation of a local or regional jail facility, except when such project is consistent with the projected number of local and state responsible offenders to be housed in such facility.
E.  The Board of Corrections shall not approve or commit additional funds for the state share of the cost of construction, enlargement, or renovation of a local or regional jail facility, except when such project is proposed to be built using Community Custody Facilities Standards, as adopted by the Board, unless the use of more expensive construction standards is justified, based on a documented projection of offender populations that would require a higher level of security."

(This amendment provides for certain exemptions to the moratorium on the approval of jail construction projects, in order to permit certain projects, as specified, to move forward and be considered for approval by the Board of Corrections.)