2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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State Park Pricing Review (language only)

Item 381 #1c

Item 381 #1c

Natural Resources
Conservation and Recreation, Department of

Page 299, after line 57, insert:
"I.1. The Department shall conduct, or contract for, a marketing study of State Park user fees, including, but not limited to, the fees charged for cabin rental, campground use, parking and boat launch use. The study shall identify the factors determining demand for state park services, including demographics, locations, times of the year and other variables.
2. Based on the findings of the study, the Department shall (1) establish marketing goals for its facilities and existing services, (2) identify new recreational products with the potential to increase nongeneral fund park revenue and increase the exposure of Virginians to the park system, and (3) to the extent that it is practical, revise its fee schedule to maximize the revenue available to the Conservation Resources Fund while maintaining adequate public access to the parks.
3. The study shall include a review of the potential for extraordinary pricing opportunities associated with particular facilities, locations, times of the year, or unique nature and recreational experiences, including package opportunities not currently included in the Department's fee schedule. To the extent possible, the Department shall make use of marketing departments at Virginia universities or other pro bono services in producing the study.  Copies of a final report from the review, the marketing goals, new product ideas, and potential fee increase options shall be delivered to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees by November 30, 2004."

(This amendment requires the Department of Conservation and Recreation to conduct a marketing study to identify the factors that influence demand for its services. The results of the study are to be used to identify the potential for additional revenue from existing or potentially new park recreational opportunities while maintaining broad public access to Virginia's state parks.)