2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Medicaid Recoveries from Noncustodial Parents (language only)

Item 326 #6c

Item 326 #6c

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 264, after line 47, insert:
"BBB.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services, in cooperation with the Department of Social Services' Division of Child Support Enforcement, shall identify and initiate third party recovery actions where there is a medical support order requiring a noncustodial parent to contribute to the medical cost of a child who is enrolled in the Medicaid or Family Access to Medical Insurance Security (FAMIS) Programs."

(This amendment requires the Department of Medical Assistance Services to work with the Department of Social Services' Division of Child Support Enforcement to identify and initiate third party recovery actions in cases in which there is a medical support order for a noncustodial parent whose child is enrolled in either the Medicaid or FAMIS programs.)