2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Expand Medicaid CSA Services (language only)

Item 326 #10c

Item 326 #10c

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 255, line 31, strike "initial and ongoing" and insert "semi-annual".
Page 264, after line 47, insert:
"BBB.  Effective July 1, 2005, the Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend the State Plan for Medical Assistance to include reimbursement for required tuition payments for children receiving Medicaid-eligible residential services, provided such educational services are part of the treatment plan.  The Department, in cooperation with the Office of Comprehensive Services, shall report by January 1, 2005, on the regulatory changes necessary to effect the inclusion of these new services under Medicaid and the related fiscal savings to the Comprehensive Service Act for At-risk Children and Youth program."

(This amendment requires the Department of Medical Assistance Services to provide semi-annual training to local Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) teams to ensure that localities appropriately access Medicaid-funded CSA services for the treatment of at-risk children and youth through the Comprehensive Services Act, thereby decreasing Medicaid payment denials. Language also directs the Department to cover tuition payments in residential facilities for Medicaid-eligible CSA children, if the services are included in the treatment plans for those children. Federal law and regulations allow reimbursement for these expenditures. A companion amendment in Item 299 captures savings in the CSA program to account for these actions.)