2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Collection of Parental Copayments in CSA (language only)

Item 299 #2c

Item 299 #2c

Health And Human Resources
Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families

Page 231, after line 50, insert:
"F.  Pursuant to subdivision 3 of §2.2-52.06, Code of Virginia, Community Policy and Management Teams shall enter into agreements with the parents or legal guardians of children receiving services under the Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Children and Youth.  The Office of Comprehensive Services shall be a party to any such agreement.  If the parent or legal guardian fails or refuses to pay the agreed upon sum on a timely basis and a collection action cannot be referred to the Division of Child Support Enforcement of the Department of Social Services, upon the request of the community policy management team, the Office of Comprehensive Services shall make a claim against the parent or legal guardian for such payment through the Department of Law's Division of Debt Collection in the Office of the Attorney General."

(This amendment allows the Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth and Families (CSA) to assist localities in obtaining parental copayments for CSA services by using debt set-off as a tool in collecting payments. The Code of Virginia requires Community Policy and Management Teams to establish policies to assess the ability of parents or legal guardians to contribute financially to the cost of services to be provided and, when not specifically prohibited by federal or state law or regulation, provide for appropriate parental or legal guardian financial contribution, using a standard sliding fee scale based upon ability to pay.)