2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Sec. of HHR to Report on Access to OB Services (language only)

Item 298 #1c

Item 298 #1c

Health And Human Resources
Health and Human Resources, Secretary of

Page 228, after line 8, insert:
"The Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in cooperation with the Bureau of Insurance in the State Corporation Commission, shall report on the availability of obstetrical services in the Commonwealth and identify any areas of the Commonwealth where there is inadequate access to such services.  The report shall include information on (i) the factors contributing to inadequate access to services; (ii) the availability and affordability of malpractice insurance for obstetricians; (iii) any specific problems regarding access to obstetrical care for Medicaid and Family Access to Medical Insurance Security enrollees; and (iv) an assessment of the degree to which these factors may be contributing to the lack of access to obstetrical care in certain areas of the Commonwealth.  The report shall make recommendations on actions that can be taken to improve access to obstetrical care throughout the Commonwealth.  The Secretary shall provide the report to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees and the Joint Commission on Health Care by November 1, 2004."

(This amendment requires the Secretary of Health and Human Resources to report on the availability of and access to obstetrical services in the Commonwealth.)