2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Eliminate School Efficiency Review Initiative

Item 274 #1c

Item 274 #1c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Accounts, Department of FY2005 ($2,460,000) FY2006 ($3,280,000) GF
FY2005 -13.00 FY2006 -18.00 FTE

Page 204, line 7, strike "$5,757,749" and insert "$3,297,749".
Page 204, line 7, strike "$6,577,749" and insert "$3,297,749".

(This amendment is one of two that transfer funding and responsibility for the performance of school efficiency reviews from the Department of Accounts to the Secretary of Education. These efficiency reviews were designed to improve local school divisions' use of private sector best management practices in administrative areas such as transportation and building operations. In lieu of the amounts and positions proposed in House Bill 5001, as introduced, funding is provided in Item 274 to continue the pilot program for fiscal year 2005.)