2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Increase HEETF Authorization for IALR (language only)

Item 270 #1c

Item 270 #1c

Education: Higher Education
Virginia College Building Authority

Page 201, line 30, strike "$52,169,843" and insert "$52,669,843".
Page 201, line 31, strike "52,169,843" and insert "$54,169,843"
Page 202, line 4, strike the first "500,000" and  insert "1,000,000".
Page 202, line 4, strike the second "500,000" and  insert "2,500,000".
Page 202, line 5, strike  the first "$52,169,843" and insert "$52,669,843".
Page 202, line 5, strike  the second "$52,169,843" and insert "$54,169,843".

(This amendment increases the authorization for the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Danville to acquire $1 million in the first year and $2.5 million in the second year in academic and research equipment through the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund. A companion amendment to the Treasury Board provides the additional debt service required to support the lease payments.)