2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Exempt Virginia 400th Anniversary Funds from Procurement Provisions (language only)

Item 255 #1c

Item 255 #1c

Education: Other
Jamestown 2007

Page 192, after line 18, insert:
"G.  Except as provided otherwise in this paragraph, the provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq., Code of Virginia) shall not apply to the expenditure of funds from the Virginia 400th Anniversary Fund.  However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not be effective until such time as the Board of Trustees of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation has adopted guidelines generally applicable to the procurement of goods and services by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation and Jamestown 2007 through the expenditure of funds from the Virginia 400th Anniversary Fund.  The guidelines shall implement a system of competitive negotiation for professional services; shall prohibit discrimination because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin of the bidder or offeror in the solicitation or award of contracts; may take into account in all cases the dollar amount of the intended procurement, the term of the anticipated contract, and the likely extent of competition; may implement a prequalification procedure for contractors or products; may include provisions for cooperative procurement arrangements; shall incorporate the prompt payment principles of §§ 2.2-4350 and 2.2-4354, Code of Virginia; and may implement provisions of law.  The following sections of the Virginia Public Procurement Act shall continue to apply to procurement by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation and Jamestown 2007 with funds from the Virginia 400th Anniversary Fund:  §§ 2.2-4311, 2.2-4315, 2.2-4330, 2.2-4333 through 2.2-4338, 2.2-4340 through 2.2-4342, and 2.2-4367 through 2.2-4377, Code of Virginia."

(This amendment exempts Virginia 400th Anniversary Fund expenditures from most of the provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act, contingent upon guidelines adopted by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation's Board of Trustees. The amendment will allow Jamestown 2007 and the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation to use the Fund to contract with corporate sponsors for events commemorating Jamestown's 400th anniversary.)