2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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SOQ/Local Real Estate Property Tax Relief

Item 147 #4c

Item 147 #4c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2005 $83,500,000 FY2006 $105,350,000 GF

Page 128, line 28, strike "$1,279,045,675" and insert "$1,362,545,675".
Page 128, line 28, strike "$1,328,043,698" and insert "$1,433,393,698".
Page 128, after line 33, insert:
"Financial Assistance for Public Education Standards of Quality/Local Real Estate Property Tax Relief (17703)                   $83,500,000      $105,350,000".
Page 129, after line 47, insert:
"C. 1. Out of the amounts appropriated from the general fund for Financial Assistance for Special State Revenue Sharing, $83,500,000 the first year and $105,350,000 the second year is from the amounts transferred to the general fund from the Public Education Standards of Quality/Local Real Estate Property Tax Relief Fund pursuant to § 3-5.05 of this Act.  
2. These funds shall be be distributed, along with the one cent of sales tax for public education in Paragraph A above on the basis of the most recent triennial census of school-aged population collected by the Department of Education in order to relieve the financial pressure that public education programs place on local real estate taxes and shall be taken into account by the governing body of the county, city, or town in setting real estate tax rates."

(This amendment is one of several amendments related to the Public Education Standards of Quality/Local Real Estate Property Tax Relief Fund as established in House Bill 5018, made up of one quarter cent of sales tax revenues, estimated at $168 million the first year and $210.7 million the second year, for a total of $377 million for the biennium. These funds shall be transferred to the general fund to support public education programs. Half of that amount (1/8 of a cent) shall be distributed based on the most recent triennial census of school-aged population, consistent with the distribution of the existing one cent for public education. The remaining half of that amount (1/8 of a cent) shall be allocated to Basic Aid payments to support the following revisions to the Standards of Quality, pursuant to Chapter 939 and Chapter 955, 2004 Acts of Assembly: five elementary resource teacher positions per 1,000 students; one quarter of the funding for the required planning period for middle and high school teachers in the first year and the full amount of funding in the second year; and one support technology position per 1,000 students in the first year and one support technology and one instructional technology position per 1,000 students in the second year.)