2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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Item 146 #14c

Item 146 #14c

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education FY2005 $105,671,682 FY2006 $220,308,014 GF

Page 105, line 15, strike "$2,920,427,133" and insert "$3,026,098,815".
Page 105, line 15, strike "$2,934,464,120" and insert "$3,154,772,134".
Page 109, line 32, after "6.", insert "a."
Page 109, strike lines 44 through 47.
Page 109, line 43, after "Quality." strike the rest of the line and insert:
"Funding in support of one hour of additional instruction per day based on the percent of students eligible for the federal free lunch program with a pupil-teacher ratio range of 18: 1 to 10:1, depending upon a school division's combined failure rate on the English and Math Standards of Learning, is included in Remedial Education Payments (C8)."
Page 109, after line 47, insert:
"b. Appropriations in this item include programs supported in part by transfers to the general fund from the Public Education Standards of Quality/Local Real Estate Property Tax Relief Fund pursuant to Part 3 of this Act.  These transfers combined together with other appropriations from the general fund in this item funds the state's share of the following revisions to the Standards of Quality pursuant to Chapters 939 & 955 of the Acts of Assembly of 2004 (Senate Bill 479 and House Bill 1014): five elementary resource teachers per 1,000 students; one support technology position per 1,000 students the first year; one support technology position and one instructional technology position per 1,000 students the second year; one quarter of the daily planning period for teachers at the middle and high school level and the full daily planning period for teachers at the middle and high school levels the second year in order to relieve the financial pressure these education programs place on local real estate taxes.  Notwithstanding Chapters 939 and 955, of the Acts of Assembly of 2004, no school division shall be required to maintain instructional positions meeting the increased standards set forth in this paragraph until July 1, 2005."
Page 114, after line 4 insert:
"k. The appropriation for Basic Aid includes $83,500,000 the first year and $105,350,000 the second year out of the amounts transferred to the general fund from the Public Education Standards of Quality/Local Real Estate Property Tax Relief Fund pursuant to Part 3 of this Act.  These funds are combined together with other appropriations from the general fund in this item to fund the state's share of the following revisions to the Standards of Quality pursuant to Chapters 939 and 955, of the Acts of Assembly of 2004: five elementary resource teachers per 1,000 students; one support technology position per 1,000 students the first year; one support technology position and one instructional technology position per 1,000 students the second year; one quarter of the daily planning period for teachers at the middle and high school level and the full daily planning period for teachers at the middle and high school levels the second year in order to relieve the pressure on local real estate taxes and shall be taken into account by the governing body of the county, city, or town in setting real estate tax rates."

(This provides funding for the following revisions to the Standards of Quality proposed by the State Board of Education, as set forth in House Bill 1014 and Senate Bill 479: $27 million the first year and $129 million the second year for the daily planning period for teachers at the middle and high school levels; $74 million the first year and $75 million the second year for five elementary resource teachers per 1,000 students; $5 million the first year for one technology support position per 1,000 students and $16 million the second year for two technology positions, one instructional and one support, per 1,000 students. In addition, this amendment corrects an error in the bill as introduced regarding the revised methodology for the SOQ Remediation funding.)