2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5001 (Conference Report)

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"See VA First" - Outdoor Advertising (language only)

Item 134 #9c

Item 134 #9c

Commerce And Trade
Virginia Tourism Authority

Page 91, after line 12, insert:
"J.  Out of the amounts provided for Tourist Promotion, $75,000 the first year and $75,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided to support the "See Virginia First" cooperative advertising program operated by the Outdoor Advertising Association of Virginia.  In fiscal year 2005 and in fiscal year 2006, the Outdoor Advertising Association of Virginia shall provide "three for the price of one" for an annual total of at least $225,000 in advertising to promote tourism in Virginia."

(This amendment authorizes $150,000 to restore the joint public-private partnership with the Outdoor Advertising Association of Virginia. Budget language requires the state moneys to be matched on a 3-to-1 basis.)