Language Page 220, following line 35The appropriation to this item is the initial deposit of $12,378,875 GF the first year and $12,878,87 GF the second year to the Capital Repairs and Improvements Revolving Fund, as provided for in Item C-194.1 of this act. Upon attaining a cash balance sufficient to sustain revolving loans of $25,000,000 annually, the Virginia Public Building Authority may make loans from the fund to address necessary repairs, improvements and to address deferred maintenance as provided for in Item C-194.1."
Explanation(This amendment provides for a deposit of $12.4 million GF the first year and $12.9 million GF the second year as initial capital contributions to the Capital Repairs and Improvements Revolving Fund. This represents 2 percent of the new tax-supported debt to be issued in the 2004-2006 biennium.)