2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5001 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Virginia Wine Promotion Fund (language only)

Item 99 #2c

Item 99 #2c

Commerce And Trade
Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of

Page 70, line 43, strike "Winegrowers Advisory" and insert "Wine".
Page 70, line 44, strike "Winegrower's Productivity Fund" and insert:
"Virginia Wine Promotion Fund".

(This amendment redirects the existing appropriation for the Winegrowers Advisory Board to the Virginia Wine Board created pursuant to Chapters 89 and 319, 2004 Acts of Assembly. The shift to the Wine Board would allow the Board to engage in revenue generating activities, such as charging admission to wine tasting events and including paid advertising in the Board's annual Winery Festival and Tour Guide, activities not permitted under the existing Winegrowers Advisory Board's authority.)