2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5001 (Committee Approved)

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Roanoke County Jail (language only)

Item 416 #5s

Item 416 #5s

Public Safety
Community Corrections, Division of

Page 319, following line 19, insert:
"4. The County of Roanoke and City of Salem, in order to proceed in planning for an expansion project for the Roanoke County-Salem Jail.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 53.1-82.3, Code of Virginia, Roanoke County and the City of Salem may submit the required community-based corrections plan, facility specifications, and the expected financing costs to the Department of Corrections and State Board of Corrections prior to March 1, 2005.  Furthermore, the Governor may include a recommendation for funding such project for consideration by the General Assembly at its 2005 Session."

(This amendment provides an exception to the moratorium on approval by the Board of Corrections of new jail construction projects, to permit the proposed expansion project for the Roanoke County-Salem Jail to be considered by the Board of Corrections. A companion amendment to House Bill 29 directs that the required plans be submitted to the Board of Corrections not later than May 1, 2004, for expedited review.)