2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5001 (Committee Approved)

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TANF Pre-Employment & Workforce Development (language only)

Item 356 #7s

Item 356 #7s

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 284, after line 4, insert:
"I.1.  Local departments of social services shall provide to eligible Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) recipients, under the administrative supervision of the Commissioner of Social Services, pre-employment and employment-related training services from the federal TANF grant funds appropriated for that purpose.
2.  A limited number of local departments of social services are encouraged to participate in a pilot program to purchase employment-related training and placement services for TANF recipients from employment services organizations and the local workforce investment boards.  The Commissioner of Social Services shall issue policy guidance for the development and operation of the pilot programs to purchase employment related training and placement services for TANF recipients from employment services organizations and the local workforce investment boards.
3.  The pilot training and placement services for TANF recipients from employment services organizations and the local workforce investment boards shall be evaluated  during a two-year period to assess the pre-employment and employment-related training services provided to the TANF recipients."

(This amendment ensures that funding for employment and training services is provided through local departments of social services. Language also allows a limited number of local departments to purchase employment-related training and placement services for TANF recipients from employment service organizations and local workforce investment boards consistent with policy guidance to be issued by the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services.