2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5001 (Committee Approved)

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Enhanced Hospital Payments for High Medicaid Use

Item 326 #25s

Item 326 #25s

First Year - FY2005 Second Year - FY2006
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2005 $250,000 FY2006 $250,000 GF
FY2005 $250,000 FY2006 $250,000 NGF

Page 250, line 37, strike "$4,057,098,577" and insert "$4,057,598,577".
Page 250, line 37, strike "$4,428,632,619" and insert "$4,429,132,619".
Page 264, after line 47, insert:
"BBB.  The  Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend the State Plan for Medical Assistance Services to provide an increase of $250,000 from the general fund each year and $250,000 from nongeneral funds each year to enhance reimbursements to inpatient hospitals with exceptionally high Medicaid utilization, specifically those inpatient hospitals with Medicaid utilization rates over 50 percent of their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patient populations.  The enhanced reimbursements shall be proportionally distributed to the inpatient hospitals based on each hospital's share of the total NICU Medicaid patient days of the hospitals eligible for the enhanced reimbursements.  In the event a hospital qualifying for this program would receive a reimbursement rate in excess of the federal upper payment limit for such facilities, they shall be determined ineligible for the additional payment.  Such amendments to the State Plan shall become effective within 280 days or less from the enactment of this act."

(This amendment provides enhanced Medicaid reimbursements to inpatient hospitals with exceptionally high Medicaid utilization, specifically those hospitals with Medicaid utilization rates greater than 50 percent of their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patient populations. The enhanced reimbursements would be proportionally distributed to the hospitals based on each hospital's share of NICU Medicaid patient days. Hospitals that would receive payments in excess of their federal upper payment limit under this provision are ineligible for the additional amount.)