2003 Session

Budget Amendments - SB700 (Committee Approved)

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Community Services Grants for Pubic Television (language only)

Item 59.15 #1s

Item 59.15 #1s

Administration, Secretary of

Page 41, following line 20, insert:
" For the 2003-2004 fiscal year only, the Secretary of Administration and the Virginia Public Broadcasting Board shall distribute community service grants to Virginia’s public television stations as follows: Greater Washington Education Television Association  (WETA in Arlington, Virginia),  $200,000, the remaining Community Service Grants to Virginia’s Public Television Stations shall be divided equally among; Hampton Roads Educational Telecommunications Association, Shenandoah Valley Educational Television Corporation, Blue Ridge Public Television, Inc., and Commonwealth Public Broadcasting.
The Virginia Public Broadcasting Board, with the assistance of the Secretary of administration, shall develop a plan for the distribution of state support for public television in future biennial budgets.  Such plan shall include: 1) a pool of funds designated for support of the basic operating needs of Virginia's public television stations, which shall be based primarily on the stations' costs and ability to raise local funds, but which should result in a grant of not less than $200,000 for any public broadcasting corporation, and 2) a separate pool of funds, to be distributed on a competitive basis, designated to support the costs of developing original programming on Virginia's people, communities, economy, history, government or geography.  The Board shall make its recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Appropriations Committee no later than October 1, 2003."

(This amendment directs one grant for each of the State’s five regions for FY 2004, with WETA in Northern Virginia receiving a lesser amount, as the first phase of entry into the community service grant program. The Virginia Public Broadcasting Board is charged with developing a plan for support of public television in future biennia.)