2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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UVA Health Parking 9(d) and NGF

Item C-40 #1c

Item C-40 #1c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Education: Higher Education
University of Virginia FY2003 $2,250,000 FY2004 $0 NGF

Page 390, line 35, strike "$9,800,000" and insert "$12,050,000".
Page 390, line 36, strike "$9,800,000" and insert "$10,800,000".
Page 390, after line 36 insert:
"Higher Education Operating........$1,250,000".

(This amendment provides supplemental funding for the construction of the Health Systems Parking Garage and for the acquisition of properties needed for its construction. Funding will be provided by $1 million of bond funds and $1.25 million of hospital operating revenues. Debt service on the bonds will be funded by parking revenues.)