2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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9d NGF (language only)

Item C-154 #1c

Item C-154 #1c

Central Appropriations
Nongeneral Obligation Bonds 9(D)

Page 408, line 54, strike "515,261,000" and insert "617,646,651".
Page 408, line 54, strike "18,672,000" and insert "27,922,000".
Page 409, after line 8, insert:
"Construct Residence Hall IV
     C-6.10    xxxxx     $23,000,000       $0              $23,000,000".
Page 409, line 13, strike the first "7,500,000" and insert "9,150,000".
Page 409, line 13, strike the second "7,500,000" and insert "9,150,000".
Page 409, line 22, strike the first "4,532,000" and insert "5,327,000".
Page 409, line 22, strike the second "4,532,000" and insert "5,327,000".
Page 409, after line 24, insert:
"Construct Student Housing VI
     C-20.10    xxxxx     $27,655,000       $0             $27,655,000
Construct Fairfax Research I
     C-20.10    xxxxx     $9,190,500      $0              $9,190,500".
Page 409, delete lines 28 and 29.
Page 409, line 34, strike the first "9,800,000" and insert "10,800,000".
Page 409, line 34, strike "0" and insert "1,250,000"
Page 409, line 34, strike the second "9,800,000" and insert "12,050,000".
Page 409, after line 40, insert:
"Construct South Lawn Complex
     C-47.10    xxxxx     $9,000,000       $14,000,000             $9,000,000".
Page 409, line 43, strike "48,000,000" and insert "54,000,000".
Page 409, line 43, strike "6,000,000" and insert "0".
Page 409, after line 43, insert:
"Renovate Cancer Center
     C-53.10    xxxxx     $5,000,000       $0              $5,000,000
Acquire Fontaine Research Park Clinical Building
     C-53.10    xxxxx     $17,325,000       $0             $17,325,000".
Page 410, after line 18, insert:
"Virginia State University
Rogers Stadium Improvements
     C-84.10    xxxxx     $6,270,151       $0              $6,270,151".
Page 410, line 21, strike "$515,261,000" and insert "$617,646,651".
Page 410, line 21, strike "$18,672,000" and insert "$27,922,000".
Page 410, line 21, strike "$533,933,000" and insert "$645,568,651".
Page 410, line 32, after "Treasury.", strike rest of line.
Page 410, strike line 33 and insert:
"Permanent financing shall be provided by bonds issued for VCUREF by Virginia Commonwealth University or other appropriate issuer.  The VCUREF shall assume responsibility for all construction costs and debt issuance expenses in excess of bond proceeds and shall reimburse the University for debt service on any bonds of the University issued to finance the facilities."
Page 410, line 54, strike "agrees" and insert "shall agree".
Page 410, line 56, strike "the debt has been satisfied" and insert:
"all debt for student housing owned or operated by VCUREF has been paid".

(This amendment adjusts reference items related to the authorization of 9(d) bonds issued by the institutions of higher education.)