2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Improvements to Boulevard Exit, I-95 (language only)

Item 491 #7c

Item 491 #7c

Transportation, Department of

Page 353, after line 17, insert:
"M.  As part of its studies of the Interstate 95 and 64 corridors in and around the City of Richmond, the Commonwealth Transportation Board shall examine improvements which may be needed or prudent involving Exit 78 of Interstate 95 at Route 161 in the City of Richmond.  Such review shall consider the Society of Landscape Architects' report entitled "Vision for the Boulevard" and the approved master plan of the City of Richmond."

(This amendment directs the CTB to examine improvements which may be needed to the Boulevard Exit of Interstate 95/64 in the City of Richmond as part of its ongoing studies of the I-95 and I-64 corridors.)