2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Reporting on Transportation (language only)

Item 472 #3c

Item 472 #3c

Transportation, Secretary of

Page 341, after line 11, insert:
"D.1. The Secretary of Transportation shall provide to the Governor, the Secretary of Finance, and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations, House Finance and Senate Finance Committees, on or before June 1 of each year, a report on the most recent transportation revenue estimates and present the draft/tentative Virginia Transportation Development Plan that addresses adjustments to the Department of Transportation’s highway system acquisition and construction program and highway system maintenance program, as well as any possible changes that may affect any of the Department of Transportation's funding levels, or any other agency's appropriation under the Secretary of Transportation.  If submitted to the Secretary of Transportation within 15 days of receipt of the plan, written comment and review of these plans developed by the legislative committees must be considered prior to the adoption of the final Plan by the Commonwealth Transportation Board.  
2. The Secretary of Transportation shall report on or before August 31 of each year on the transportation revenue estimates and collections for the fiscal year just ended.  In addition, the Secretary shall provide  1) spending by mode of transportation; 2) spending on highway maintenance by District; 3) spending by fund by district by system on construction projects, including expenditures for preliminary engineering and right-of-way acquisition; and 4) a comparison of actual spending to the allocations by mode, fund, district and system in accordance with Title 33.1, Code of Virginia.
3. The Secretary shall also report each year by November 1, April 1 and August 31 on the implementation of Chapters 1019 and 1044 of the Acts of Assembly 2000.  Such reports shall include information on  1) deposits, expenditures, and transfers; 2) the schedule of any proposed debt issues, including projects and funding levels included; and 3) the total and fiscal year-to-date expenditures on each project, and the remaining cost to complete all phases of each project."

(This amendment requires the Secretary of Transportation to report on the VTA of 2000, annual expenditures and revenue collections, and to provide the tentative Virginia Transportation Development Plan prior to the adoption of the final plan.)