2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Item 383 #2c

Item 383 #2c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Natural Resources
Environmental Quality, Department of FY2003 $0 FY2004 $500,000 GF
FY2003 $1,331,000 FY2004 $0 NGF

Page 294, line 38, strike "$31,170,363" and insert "$32,501,363".
Page 294, line 38, strike "$31,170,363" and insert "$31,670,363".

(This amendment provides $1.3 million of federal funds in fiscal year 2003 and $500,000 of general fund support in fiscal year 2004 for DEQ's Total Maximum Daily Load Program (TMDL). TMDLs are required by the federal Clean Water Act and by state statute. TMDLs are standards for pollutants, and represent the maximum amount of discharge that can be made into any "impaired" segment of Virginia's waterways. Some 648 TMDLs must be developed in Virginia. Along with each TMDL standard, a plan for ending the violation of these standards in state waters must also be developed. If Virginia does not establish the TMDLs, then EPA will do so.)