2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

TANF Balance & Expenditure Plan (language only)

Item 363 #1c

Item 363 #1c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 285, line 55, strike "$35,009,510" and insert "$46,955,250".
Page 285, line 55, strike "17,504,755" and insert "29,047,359".
Page 285, line 56, strike "0" and insert "8,360,279".
Page 286, line 1, strike "13,049,800" and insert "6,000,000".
Page 286, line 5, strike "shall" and insert "may".
Page 286, line 8, after "year.", insert:
"All funding provided from the TANF grant for eligible state and community-based services funded under this measure shall include performance measures consistent with the purposes of TANF funding as prescribed by the
federal government, and the department’s goals and objectives.  All entities shall be required to report to the department at least quarterly.
3.  The Department shall allocate federal funds from the federal TANF grant to the following services in the specified amounts: employment and training and other services for hard-to-serve recipients to promote self-sufficiency ($3,000,000 each year); pregnancy prevention programs administered through the Virginia Department of Health, such as teen pregnancy prevention programs, Right Choices for Youth, Partners in Prevention, Resource Mothers and others ($2,500,000 each year); a continuum of housing services administered through the Department of Housing and Community Development ($4,250,000 the first year and $5,000,000 the second year); and transportation grants ($2,500,000 each year)."
Page 286, line 9, strike "3" and insert "4".

(This amendment designates services for which TANF grant can be expended in addition to core benefits and block grant transfers. The amendment also revises the TANF balance in fiscal years 2002, 2003 and 2004, based on changes to the proposed TANF spending. A larger balance is left in each year as a contingency against increases in the TANF caseload over the biennium. The introduced bill identified a balance of $17.5 million in fiscal year 2003 and $0 in fiscal year 2004. This revised spending plan provides a balance of $29.0 million in fiscal year 2003 and $8.4 million in fiscal year 2004.)