2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Motor Vehicle Disregard-Food Stamp Recipients (language only)

Item 352 #3c

Item 352 #3c

Health And Human Resources
Social Services, Department of

Page 274, after line 31, insert:
“G.  As a condition of this appropriation, effective July 1, 2003, the Department of Social Services shall, to the extent permitted by federal law, disregard the value of at least one motor vehicle per household in determining eligibility for the food stamp program.”

(This language amendment implements new federal authority permitting states to adopt motor vehicle asset rules in the state’s food stamp program similar to those its applies in any TANF assistance program. Motor vehicles are currently disregarded in determining eligibility for child care in Virginia, in recognition that reliable transportation is necessary for work. A companion budget amendment would disregard one motor vehicle per assistance unit in determining eligibility for TANF cash assistance.)