2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Redistribute Hospital Savings to Multiple Providers

Item 325 #46c

Item 325 #46c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2003 ($15,079,320) FY2004 ($25,379,320) GF
FY2003 ($15,544,807) FY2004 ($25,923,126) NGF

Page 249, line 44, strike "$3,323,003,655" and insert "$3,292,379,528".
Page 249, line 44, strike "$3,553,124,057" and insert "$3,501,821,611".
Page 257, after line 7, insert:
"HH.1.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend the State Plan for Medical Assistance Services to generate a total of $7,079,320 in general fund savings each year through three revisions to its pharmacy benefits program as provided herein.  Such amendments to the State Plan shall become effective within 280 days from the enactment of this act.
2. Of the total amount, $4,321,880 in general fund savings each year shall be generated through two actions.  The first action shall be to define the Virginia Maximum Allowable Cost based on the availability in Virginia of generic drugs which (i) are included in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ state drug rebate program, (ii) have been approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration, and (iii) are included in the Approved Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations as generically equivalent.  The second action shall be to modify the pharmacy point-of-sale system to enhance prospective drug utilization review edits for therapeutic duplication or excess dose or duration.  
3. Of the total amount, $1,181,760 in general fund savings each year shall be generated by pricing the specialty therapeutic drug, anti-hemophilia factor, according to guidelines for best pricing established by the Department after review of market factors and appropriate volume purchasing discounting.
4. Of the total amount, $1,575,680 in general fund savings each year shall be generated by reducing program payments made on behalf of recipients with other sources of insurance coverage.
II.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend the State Plan for Medical Assistance Services governing Medicaid reimbursement to hospitals and managed care organizations to generate a total of $8,000,000 in general fund savings the first year and $8,300,000 in general fund savings the second year.  Of this total amount, $4,400,000 in general fund savings the first year and $4,565,000 in general fund savings the second year shall be achieved through reduced payments to hospitals, and $3,600,000 in general fund savings the first year and  $3,735,000 in general fund savings the second year shall be achieved through reduced payments to managed care organizations.  Such amendments to the State Plan shall become effective within 280 days from the enactment of this act.
JJ.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall identify additional general fund savings of no less than $10,000,000 the second year through various cost containment measures.  Such measures shall include drug cost reductions and recoveries from pharmaceutical  manufacturers.  Other cost containment measures may include, but need not be limited to:  (i) more efficient service delivery systems; (ii) additional utilization review and health care cost management strategies; (iii) revisions to the current level of benefits and covered services; (iv) revisions to current reimbursements for services provided to Medicaid recipients; and (v) other cost-saving strategies as appropriate.  The Department shall involve the affected provider communities, advocacy groups, and other interested parties in determining the actions to be taken in generating such savings.  The Department shall report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees no later than October 1, 2002."

(This amendment redistributes and expands Medicaid cost containment actions to a broad range of Medicaid providers: hospitals, managed care organizations, pharmacies, and pharmaceuticals. The amendment also requires the Department of Medical Assistance Services to identify additional Medicaid cost containment strategies. The introduced budget proposed to reduce hospital reimbursement from 87 percent to 80 percent of costs. A companion amendment in Item 325 restores that funding. Another companion amendment in Item 325 includes nursing homes in the cost containment strategies.)