2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Case Management Rate Increase for CSBs

Item 325 #44c

Item 325 #44c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2003 $5,919,366 FY2004 $5,947,015 GF
FY2003 $6,102,092 FY2004 $6,074,443 NGF

Page 249, line 44, strike "$3,323,003,655" and insert "$3,335,025,113".
Page 249, line 44, strike "$3,553,124,057" and insert "$3,565,145,515".
Page 250, line 43, strike "38,814,667" and insert "44,734,033".
Page 250, line 43, strike "40,012,845" and insert "46,114,937".
Page 250, line 45, strike "40,601,148" and insert "46,548,163".
Page 250, line 45, strike "41,471,114" and insert "47,545,557".
Page 250, line 50, after "services.", insert:
"Effective July 1, 2002, the rates for State Plan Option mental health and mental retardation case management services provided by community services boards shall be $260.00 per month."

(This amendment provides general fund appropriations and matching federal Medicaid funds to the Department of Medical Assistance Services for an increase in case management rates paid to community services boards. The rates for mental retardation services would be increased from $175.40 to $260.00 per month. The rates for mental health services would be increased from $208.25 to $260.00 per month. The general fund appropriations are transferred from the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services in a companion amendment to Item 334.)