2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Treasury Board - Debt Service for BVF Package

Item 296 #2c

Item 296 #2c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Treasury Board FY2003 $2,100,623 FY2004 $16,319,322 GF

Page 221, line 38, strike "$259,335,695" and insert "$261,436,318".
Page 221, line 38, strike "$261,603,658" and insert "$277,922,980".
Page 222, after line 16, insert:
"2. Out of the amounts for General Obligation Bond Redemption and Interest, $14,380,352 the second year is hereby appropriated from the general fund for debt service on general obligation bonds issued pursuant to Article X, Section 9(b), of the Constitution of Virginia, which are authorized during the 2002 Session and approved at referendum on November 5, 2002."
Page 222, line 17, strike "2" and insert "3".
Page 222, strike lines 33 through 40 and insert:
"2. Out of the amounts for Amortization Payments, and contingent upon authorization of additional projects in the 2002 Session, shall be paid from the general fund to the Virginia College Building Authority the following estimated amounts for use by the Authority for payments on obligations issued under the 21st Century College Program:  $2,640,512 the first year and $6,481,908 the second year."
Page 223, line 36, strike "$1,102,540" and insert "$900,000".
Page 223, line 37, strike "$4,356,994" and insert "$1,961,950".
Page 223, after line 38, insert:
"3.  Out of the amounts for Amortization Payments the following estimated amounts are hereby appropriated to the Virginia Public Building Authority for use by the Authority for projects authorized in the 2002 Session:  $676,564 the first year and $3,135,364 the second year."
Page 223, line 39, strike "3" and insert "4".
Page 224, line 20, strike "4" and insert "5".
Page 224, line 26, strike "$1,140,000,000" and insert "$1,235,000,000".
Page 224, line 27, strike "5" and insert "6".
Page 224, line 33, strike "6" and insert "7".
Page 225, strike lines 1 through 8.

(This amendment adjusts the Treasury Board budget to reflect projected debt service requirements for the Building Virginia's Future capital package, as reflected in House Bill 29, House Bill 99/Senate Bill 31, House Bill 1144/Senate Bill 672, and House Bill 1284/Senate Bill 673. The amendment also deletes debt service for a research project.)