2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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DOA Internal Auditor Training

Item 276 #1c

Item 276 #1c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Accounts, Department of FY2003 $125,000 FY2004 $125,000 GF
FY2003 2.00 FY2004 2.00 FTE

Page 210, line 47, strike "$3,908,099" and insert "$4,033,099".
Page 210, line 47, strike "$3,908,099" and insert "$4,033,099".
Page 210, after line 53, insert:
"Out of this appropriation, $125,000 the first year and $125,000 the second year is provided to the Department of Accounts for a program to train internal auditors. The Department of Accounts shall assist internal auditors of state agencies and institutions in receiving continued professional education as required by professional standards.  The Department of Accounts shall coordinate its efforts with state institutions of higher education and offer training programs to the internal auditors as well as coordinate any special training programs for the internal auditors."

(This amendment transfers two FTEs and $125,000 each year from the Department of the State Internal Auditor to the Department of Accounts to cover the costs of undertaking a training program for internal auditors in state agencies.)