2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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VCCS No Va Med Educ Campus

Item 232 #14c

Item 232 #14c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Community College System FY2003 $200,000 FY2004 $200,000 GF
FY2003 5.00 FY2004 5.00 FTE

Page 179, line 37, strike "$455,117,386" and insert "$455,317,386".
Page 179, line 37, strike "$459,805,951" and insert "$460,005,951".
Page 183, after line 50, insert:
"U.  Out of this appropriation $200,000 and 5.0 positions the first year and $200,000 and 5.0 positions the second year from the general fund are provided for start-up funding for the Medical Education Campus of Northern Virginia Community College.  The Virginia Community College System may supplement funding in the second year with tuition and fee revenues from new students."

(This amendment provides funds for start-up costs for the new Medical Education Campus of Northern Virginia Community College.)