2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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NSU Savings from Vacancies, Language

Item 202 #2c

Item 202 #2c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Education: Higher Education
Norfolk State University FY2003 ($1,030,000) FY2004 $0 GF

Page 159, line 22, strike "$70,925,800" and insert "$69,895,800".
Page 159, line 33, strike "$4,110,823" and insert "$3,080,823".
Page 159, after line 48, insert:
"4.  In conjunction with the Secretary of Education, Norfolk State University shall develop the following:
a. a timetable for implementing the new academic programs funded in A.1. above, including a plan for recruiting faculty, staff, and students;
b. a means by which to assess the effectiveness toward meeting the goals of the new programs; and
c. periodic reports on the expenditures of the funds provided."

(This amendment assumes savings in the first year from vacancies among the 75 additional positions provided in the budget as introduced for the development of new academic programs. The amendment also sets out reporting requirements on the use of the new funding.)