2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

SCHEV Virtual Library of Virginia Program

Item 166 #1c

Item 166 #1c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Education: Higher Education
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia FY2003 $300,000 FY2004 $300,000 GF

Page 142, line 35, strike "$8,421,834" and insert "$8,721,834".
Page 142, line 35, strike "$8,431,654" and insert "$8,731,654".
Page 143, line 48, strike "3,836,430" and insert "4,136,430".
Page 143, line 49, strike "3,836,430" and insert "4,136,430".

(This amendment partially restores funding for the Virtual Library of Virginia Program, or VIVA.)