2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Required Local Effort - JLARC (language only)

Item 147 #64c

Item 147 #64c

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 109, line 26, after "7.", insert:
"The Department of Education shall make calculations at the start of the school year to ensure than an operational school division has appropriated adequate funds to support its estimated required local expenditure.  The Department of Education shall also make calculations after the close of the school year to verify that the required local effort level, based on actual March 31st Average Daily Membership, was met."
Page 109, line 27, strike "met" and insert "appropriated and expended".
Page 109, line 28, after "Quality," insert "the Department of Education shall make".
Page 109, line 28, strike "will be made".
Page 109, line 30, after "of", insert "state or federal".
Page 109, line 34, after "outlays", insert "and refunds of revenue from prior periods".
Page 109, line 37, strike "receipts for gasoline tax refunds,".
Page 109, line 38, strike "other payments from another county or".
Page 109, line 39, strike "city,".
Page 109, line 43, strike "the state share of the Standards of Quality".
Page 109, line 44, strike "Cost and".
Page 109, after line 50, insert:
"e.  The Department of Education shall collect the data necessary to perform the calculations of required local expenditure as required by this section."
Page 109, line 51, strike "e" and insert "f".

(This amendment implements the recommendation from the JLARC report, Review of Elementary and Secondary School Funding, regarding the Department of Education's responsibility to determine if localities are meeting required local effort provisions.)