2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Educ. for Independence and Skills Centers (language only)

Item 130 #3c

Item 130 #3c

Commerce And Trade
Virginia Employment Commission

Page 85, strike lines 19 through 26 and insert:
"C.1.  Education for Independence and Virginia's Skills Center Programs previously funded through the 1990 Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education and Applied Technology Act and through Social Services Block Grants or other available federal funds shall be funded and supported through the Workforce Investment Act and the One-Stop Career System.
2.  The Virginia Employment Commission shall work with the various providers of the Education for Independence programs to prepare these providers to become certified and eligible for funding through the local Workforce Investment Boards."

(This amendment restores legislative intent to continue the spending authorization for services provided by the Education for Independence and Virginia's Skills Center programs. The programs can be supported by the statewide allocation of Workforce Investment Act funds, local allocations to the Workforce Investment Boards or a combination of the two.)