2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB30 (Conference Report)

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Food Establishment Inspections

Item 106 #1c

Item 106 #1c

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Commerce And Trade
Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of FY2003 ($222,000) FY2004 ($222,000) GF
FY2003 $398,610 FY2004 $398,610 NGF

Page 69, line 42, strike "$5,977,341" and insert "$6,153,951".
Page 69, line 42, strike "$5,977,341" and insert "$6,153,951".
Page 70, after line 12, insert:
"C.1.  The Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services is authorized to develop, in consultation with the regulated entities, an annual inspection fee, not to exceed $40, to be collected from all establishments that are subject to inspection pursuant to Chapter 20 of Title 3.1 of the Code of Virginia.  However, any such establishment that is subject to any permit fee, application fee, inspection fee, risk assessment fee, or similar fee imposed by any locality shall be subject to this annual inspection fee only to the extent that the annual inspection fee and the locally-imposed fee, when combined, do not exceed $40.  This fee structure shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade.
2.  The department shall provide to the Secretary of Commerce and Trade and to the Chairmen of the Senate Committees on Finance, Agriculture,  Conservation and Natural Resources; and Education and Health and to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations; Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources; and Health, Welfare and Institutions recommendations, including proposed legislation, to preclude duplication of inspection services between the department and local departments of health in retail food stores.  A local health department’s inspection of a food service facility located within a retail store inspected by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is not considered duplication.  The report shall be submitted by January 8, 2003. "

(This amendment authorizes a $40 annual inspection fee to be assessed on food establishments throughout Virginia. The fee revenue would cover a portion of the expenses of the Food Safety and Inspections Services Program. The amendment reduces the department's budget by $444,000 in anticipation of the fee revenue. In addition, language directs the department to provide recommendations to the General Assembly to preclude any duplication between the department and local departments of health concerning the inspections of retail food establishments.)