Across-the-board Reduction for Executive Branch Agencies
Item 543.07 #2g
Item 543.07 #2g | First Year - FY2001 | Second Year - FY2002 | |
Central Appropriations |
Central Appropriations | FY2001 $0 | FY2002 ($28,836,891) | GF |
Page 430, line 16, strike "($57,236,460)" and insert "($86,073,351)".
Page 430, line 19, strike "57,236,460" and insert "86,073,351".
Page 430, line 24, strike "two percent (2%)" and insert "three percent (3%)".
Page 430 Line 16 STRIKE "($57,236,460)" and INSERT "($86,073,351)"Page 430 Line 19 STRIKE "$57,236,460" and INSERT "$86,073,351"Page 430 Line 24, STRIKE " two percent (2%)" and INSERT "three percent (3%)"
(This amendment increases the reduction to executive branch agency general fund budgets from two percent to three percent.)