2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Committee Approved)

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School Construction Grants Consolidated Divisions (language only)

Item 145 #1s

Item 145 #1s

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid To Public Education

Page 150, after line 44, insert:
"d.  Pursuant to Section 15.2-1302, Code of Virginia, and in the event that two or more school divisions became one school division, whether by consolidation of only the school divisions or by consolidation of the local governments, such resulting division shall be paid School Construction Grant payments on the basis of having the same number of school divisions as they had prior to September 30, 2000."

(This amendment clarifies that School Construction Grants are to be provided to school divisions pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-1302, Code of Virginia, which states that any state funds that were distributed to a locality, including a local school board, in support of a governmental program or function prior to a consolidation of such program or function or the governmental consolidation of the entities providing such programs or functions, shall continue to be distributed to the entity or entities carrying out the program or function after consolidation. Further, it states that if the consolidation results in the consolidation of constitutional officers of the entities and the consolidation of school divisions and local school boards of the entities, the state funds shall not be reduced below the amounts that would have been received by each entity from the Commonwealth for the governmental program or function computed on the premise that no consolidation occurred for a period of fifteen fiscal years following the consolidation. )