2002 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Howell
FAMIS-12 Month Continuous Coverage

Item 324 #2s

Item 324 #2s

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of FY2003 $1,608,943 FY2004 $2,110,273 GF
FY2003 $3,058,719 FY2004 $3,983,499 NGF

Page 249, line 19, strike "$63,310,011" and insert "$67,977,673".
Page 249, line 19, strike "$66,019,086" and insert "$72,112,858".
Page 249, after line 43, insert:
"C.  The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall amend the State Plan for Title XXI Children's Health Insurance to (i) provide for 12-month continuous coverage for children enrolled in FAMIS and (ii) for children with family income at or higher than 150 percent of the poverty line, replace monthly premiums with a reasonable annual enrollment fee, not to exceed $100 per family."

(This amendment changes the current FAMIS requirement that families with children immediately report all changes in circumstances that would affect eligibility. Children would remain eligible for a full 12 months of uninterrupted coverage. The intent is to avoid on and off eligibility between Medicaid and FAMIS as a result of fluctuations in family income. This amendment also substitutes an annual enrollment fee for monthly premiums. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission found that more than 3,000 children faced termination from the program because of premium non-payment.)