2002 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Governor Warner
Eliminate VCU Faculty Salary Increase

Item 227 #6s

Item 227 #6s

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Education: Higher Education
Virginia Commonwealth University FY2003 ($2,246,655) FY2004 ($4,147,672) GF

Page 173, line 16, strike "$299,408,930" and insert "$297,162,275".
Page 173, line 16, strike "$303,744,472" and insert "$299,596,800".
Page 173, line 28, strike "6,755,980" and insert "6,731,427".
Page 173, line 28, strike "6,847,000" and insert "6,801,670".

(This amendment eliminates the proposed faculty salary increases.)