2002 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Trumbo
New River Valley Visitors Alliance

Item 135 #3s

Item 135 #3s

First Year - FY2003 Second Year - FY2004
Commerce And Trade
Virginia Tourism Authority FY2003 $150,000 FY2004 $130,000 GF

Page 87, line 2, strike "$17,971,413" and insert "$18,121,413".
Page 87, line 2, strike "$17,971,692" and insert "$18,101,692".
Page 89, after line 4, insert:
"K.  Out of the amounts for Tourist Promotion shall be provided $150,000 the first year and $130,000 the second year from the general fund to the New River Valley Visitors Alliance."

(This amendment provides $280,000 to promote travel, tourism, educational, and recreational opportunities in the New River Valley region. The Alliance is a regional consortium, and includes the counties of Craig, Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski, the City of Radford, and the towns of Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Dublin, Floyd, Glen Lynn, New Castle, Narrows, Pearisburg, Pulaski, and Rich Creek.)