2002 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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No Waiting List for FAMIS (language only)

Item 324 #7s

Item 324 #7s

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 249, after line 43, insert:
"C.  Every eligible child applying for health insurance as provided for in Title 32.1, Chapter 13, Code of Virginia, shall be enrolled and served in the program.  To the extent that appropriations in this item are insufficient, the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall transfer general fund appropriations from Item 325 into this item, to be used as state match for federal Title XXI funds."

(This amendment ensures that adequate funding would be available for enrollment of eligible children in Virginia's new health insurance program for poor children (FAMIS). If funding provided in this item were insufficient, state funds could be transferred from the Medicaid program in Item 325 to be used as state match for federal Title XXI funds provided for FAMIS.)