2002 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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School Food Allergy Study (language only)

Item 138 #1s

Item 138 #1s

Education: Elementary and Secondary
Education, Central Office Operations, Department of

Page 94, after line 30, insert:
"P.  The Department of Education shall develop recommendations for a school food allergy program, to include recommendations for the provision of educational materials for school principals, nurses, teachers, and food service staff in creating a safe school environment for food-allergic children.  In developing these program recommendations the Department shall seek the input and guidance of the United States Departments of Education and Agriculture, the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, and representatives of local school divisions around the Commonwealth.  Further, the Department shall provide a report on their recommendations and their estimate of the state and local cost of any such recommendations to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance, Senate Education and Health, House Appropriations and House Education Committees by November 15, 2002."

(This amendment is self-explanatory.)